Tuesday, 6 June 2023

What's in a Name

"Your name Sir?"
"My name?"
"Yes, we need it for the record."
"What record?"
"As a witness."
"Is that necessary?"
He looked up from the computer screen and adjusted his spectacles.
"Yes...you reported a robbery and -"
"Oh, Okay. It's Charles Herhiozyknmertgylson."
"Uh...can you spell it."
"Yes I can."
He took a deep breath and frowned.
"I mean...it's an unusual name and -"
"Not that unusual. His Royal Highness, the King, has the same name."
"No... the... look, please spell it for me so I can complete the formalities."
"Okay. C-H-A-R-L-E-S."

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