Wednesday 9 August 2023

Public Transport

Having been reduced to using public transport lately (my car is having repairs done) I have noticed some strange things about the local bus system. For a start the drivers don't waste words. This morning, not knowing the local routes too well, I asked if the bus went to the station, as I had missed the one I had taken on previous days. The driver replied, "Yup." For clarification I asked if that was the train station, since his glazed look may have suggested he thought I meant the bus station or even the police station. He replied "yup" again. I dismissed the thought that perhaps he thought he was a dog, and sat down. 

Then, once it reached the centre of town, the bus did what every bus has done that I've been on in the last week. It stopped for five minutes, and just as every single driver has also done this week, the driver got out and began breathing in some smoke from a hand held vaping thing. Odd that EVERY driver does this at the same location. I have concluded that, just as the bus needs diesel, the drivers also need some sort of re-fuelling in order to be able to say "yup" regularly. Closer examination may prove that the drivers are not actually real people but very life-like AI robots that run on smoke. I shall check on my way home by poking one in the eye and seeing what reaction occurs.

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